Mike Currie
30 years' experience

English With Mike
Teaching & Training Specialist

English language expert.
One-on-one, group classes, face-to-face or online for all levels including IELTS. Teacher training workshops and moderation.
Welcome to English with Mike! I'm Mike Currie and I'm passionate about English. I have been teaching students and training teachers for 30 years in the UK, Brazil and New Zealand.
I have taught all levels from beginners to advanced, including EAP classes such as IELTS, FCE, CAE and Proficiency. I speak French and Portuguese and love working with all nationalities. As Head of Teacher Training at ATMC (formerly EDENZ Colleges) for 18 years, I taught and observed individuals and groups and provided wraparound support and feedback to students and colleagues. I joined Kaplan International in 2019 as Head Teacher and Acting Director of Studies and continue to teach international students online.
In my capacity as teacher trainer at EDENZ (ATMC) for 20 years, I trained teachers for the Trinity Certificate in TESOL, the Trinity Licentiate Diploma and the NZCLT (New Zealand Certificate of Language Teaching.) I also designed and delivered the Level 7 EDENZ Diploma in TESOL and gave fortnightly professional development seminars in-house.

I regularly deliver external PD for ESOL teachers at venues such as Dominion School, English First (EF), Language Studies International (LSI) and Auckland Edinburgh College (AEC). Workshops are conducted face-to-face or online.
I have also designed PD programs for business tutors, Thai IT tutors and Filipino primary teachers in Japan. Tailoring PD to specific needs is one of my specialties.
I am a lifelong learner and I am passionate about education.
I have conducted internal and external moderation for General English, NZCEL, IELTS and NZQA-approved ministry and business courses. I have also moderated for various companies and schools including McCurdy Education and Aspire2 International.
In my free time, I enjoy spending family time with our two teenage children, Jonah and Lucia, as well as playing Scrabble, chess, reading, gardening, cycling, going to the gym and singing with my beautiful wife, Star.
BA (Hons) English (University College London)
CELTA and DELTA (International House, London)
ARELS Certificate in one-to-one teaching (London)