Mike Currie
30 years' experience

English With Mike
Teaching & Training Specialist

English language expert.
One-on-one, group classes, face-to-face or online for all levels including IELTS. Teacher training workshops and moderation.

Welcome to English with Mike! I'm Mike Currie and I'm passionate about English.
I have been teaching students and training teachers for 30 years in the UK, Brazil and New Zealand.
I offer one-on-one and group English classes (online and face-to-face) for adults and children.
Conversation or coursebook classes catering to specific requirements.
- ESOL conversation classes
- ESOL coursebook classes
- Academic English (including IELTS)
- NCEA and CIA English language and literature
- Business English
- Moderation work
- Teacher training seminars
- Staff observations
- Bespoke consultancy packages
I specialise in dealing with issues relating to your L1 (first language.)
Materials and homework are provided.